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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Nigerian government’s violent, inhumane, and brutal murder of their innocent compatriots caused us great grief
Grand Ayatollah Saanei Condemns the Killing of Nigerian Shiites Nigerian government’s violent, inhumane, and brutal murder of their innocent compatriots caused us great grief

In the Name of the Almighty God
“For what crime was she killed?” (The Quran: Al-Takweer: 9)

Nigerian government’s violent, inhumane, and brutal murder of their innocent compatriots caused us great grief. Killing the followers of a faith whose leaders have always enjoined them to be kind, friendly, forbearing, united, and striving for perfection and morality is no doubt a double sin which God, nations, mankind, and history shall not forgive. 

It is really most unfortunate that people who know themselves to be the followers of the Prophet, whom God blessed with kindness and good behavior, nowadays kill one another, and that, instead of the best and most gracious ways of argument, they choose bloodshed as a means by which to invite others to the right path and the righteous faith.

Extending my deepest sympathy to the families of the victims and to all freedom lovers all over the world, and condemning this brutal killing, I ask God to bring Muslims together and save human society from this great evil which is done in the name of Islam and the Prophet (SA), the Mercy to the worlds.

The Holy City of Mashad
December 16, 2015
Yusof Saanei

Date: 2015/12/16
Views: 8112

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Source: http://saanei.org