Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Statements
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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Grand Ayatollah Saanei’s Statement on the Insulting and Offensive Remarks by Pope Benedict XVI:
Grand Ayatollah Saanei’s Statement on the Insulting and Offensive Remarks by Pope Benedict XVI:
In the Name of God

The Compassionate the Merciful

"و انک لعلي خلق عظيم"
“And lo! Thou art of a tremendous nature”
(The Holy Koran, the Pen, verse 4)

This is the testimony of the Lord of the Jesus and the Lord of all other prophets to the nature of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). With such a perfect description, will there be any room for the quotation from the unfounded words of a medieval emperor? Was it not appropriate that the Pope would deliberate for a moment and heed the verses of the Holy Koran and the words of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which preached Islam based on the call to the Truth through reason, wisdom, and dialectics (in the best possible way), before quoting such unwise words whose mere quotation not only is seen as insulting the sanctities and spiritual values of more than a billion Muslims, but also injures the hearts and feelings of all human beings. Thus, he would be able to realize how staunchly the Holy Koran has defended the Jesus and His Mother, the Holy Mary (PBUT), and has crystallized their purity and holiness among Muslims and thus established this attitude as a religious belief. The Pope was expected to look at the sublime and spiritual rules and concepts of Islam which are founded on thought, wisdom, peace, philanthropy, and kindness, and thus refrain from quoting such divisive words and obvious lies. Now, the Pope is expected to correct his comments and thus prevent the violation of the values and the respect which the great leaders of Christianity before him paid to Islam and Christianity, and to stop adding fuel to the flames of the violence caused by terror and terrorism. He should not have invoked such a quotation without considering the consequences and should not have paved the way for insulting the values and sanctities of the followers of the divine religions.


Date: 2008/09/25
Views: 8496

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