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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: SIGNS OF THE ADVENT OF IMAM MAHDI (MGHHA)
SIGNS OF THE ADVENT OF IMAM MAHDI (MGHHA) At the time of the coming of the Promised Mahdi, there will be no sign of injustice and a democratic government of the people will be realized by His Excellency, and all humanity in the true and real sense of the word will become human


The issue of a savior is one that comes naturally to man and the majority of people believe in it, all be it with varied interpretations. But, the important issue here is the appearance of signs referring to the Advent which is by far greater than before.

 One of the signs of the Advent of a savior is the hatred humanity feels for war and bloodshed. In that time, love of peace and dialogue and putting aside asunder differences while forming organizations and various committees, will be a worldwide movement which will be reaching its heights.

At the time of the coming of the Promised Mahdi, there will be no sign of injustice and a democratic government of the people will be realized by His Excellency, and all humanity in the true and real sense of the word will become human. Another one of the signs of the Advent which has also been referred to in our religious traditions, is the evolution, or lets say the attainment of perfection in man’s reasoning and perception; thus, the greater man’s understanding and wisdom, the lesser his differences. So, persecution and violence will be wiped out and unity in its totality will be attained.


The accurate time of the Advent is known only to Almighty God Himself, and if anybody at the present time should claim to have knowledge of this, if he is powerful we can say that he is a deceiver, otherwise he is simply uninformed and must be refuted. If those in possession of power should seek to take advantage of their position in the name of Mahdi (May God Hasten His Advent), it will be a great sin and treason against the great ideals and goals of the savior (MGHHA). Therefore, using the name of His Excellency as a tool is treachery committed against the Imam and against the justice that God has promised.

If justice and peace should prevail throughout the world and the basis for the development of man’s mind is set, then no one will show enmity towards the coming of His Excellency the Imam Mahdi (MGHHA).


Today, only those count as the true supporters of Mahdaviat (i.e. the concept of waiting for Mahdi, our savior, the twelfth Shiite Imam otherwise known as Imam Zaman, and Zaman meaning time) and the coming of the Peacemaker, who put their efforts in establishing world peace and are the promoters of democracy and human rights. Moreover their movement should be into the path of science and knowledge. In the school of Mahdaviat, neither soothsaying and geomancy, nor dreams and superstition, but only freedom of thought and reason count as giving service to humanity and to the advancement of science and knowledge. 

On this same basis, at the time of the coming of Mahdi (MGHHA), the rule of the people and peace shall govern the day and any one who should want to confront the freedom of thought and speech is, in fact, working against the coming of the Promised Mahdi (MGHHA).


Hate and disgust of man for war and violence is something that is evident, and the Peacemaker can never begin His movement and bring His message for the realization and the ascertainment of peace and justice with war and violence. We believe that anyone who is in the business of paving the ground for war and warmongering is a criminal and a sinner. The world of today is a world of reason and dialogue, and humanity has a particular disgust for war. We are hoping for a day when all weapons will be turned into moral soundness and merit. Such a day will be realized with the coming of the Shiite twelfth Imam, the Promised Mahdi (MGHHA).

Date: 2016/05/15
Views: 6868

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